Green Tea! A must include in your diet!!
We all know that tea has been cultivated in India for centuries. It is certainly the beverage of choice of millions of Indians. Our morning begins with a cup of hot tea. That is the reason why it is important for us to switch from black to green tea!!
Camellia sinensis is the plant from which you derive green tea and also the other teas such as the black and oolong tea. But the processes to derive it are completely different from one another, Green tea is the most different as it does not need to be fermented.
The constant research on green tea is just building on the benefits of it, day by day the positives in green tea just keep on increasing, The human body has a lot to benefit from green tea, health and long life are the two most vital qualities green tea parts to us. One should get into a habit of green tea drinking and make it a part of their daily routine, Green tea drinking should be promoted in the family to other members too.
Green tea beats the other two types of tea in terms of health benefits. The commonly known fact about green tea as to why they are well-thought-out to be essential and advantageous for human beings’ wellbeing, in general, is because of EGCG one major antioxidant found in it (green tea).EGCG(Epigallocatechin gallate) belongs to the group flavonoids an antioxidant group commonly found in nature especially plants, these flavonoids group antioxidants are associated with an extensive range of wellbeing benefits, some common benefits are protecting oneself from diseases like heart disease and also major disease like cancer, etc.
Health benefits of Green Tea:
Helps to lose weight
A proven fact is that green tea can boost the calorie burning and fat oxidation process in your body. Good news for weight watchers!!

Green Tea helps lose weight
Helps to reduce the risk of heart disease
Green tea helps us lower levels of cholesterol in our bodies; it also helps us prevent the arteries from hardening, thus lessening the chances of heart diseases, known to be an antibacterial agent this herb also helps in stopping diseases like periodontal decay and gingivitis. Have green tea on a regular basis to protect your heart.

Helps to keep diabetes in check
How green tea can help diabetic people!! Well, it helps in insulin production, which is the major hormone in regulating blood sugar levels. Thus, Green tea helps in lowering blood glucose levels. Consuming green tea also normalizes and regularises blood sugar levels in the body.

Green Tea lowers blood sugar
Anti-aging benefits
Antioxidants found in green tea fight free radicals thereby keeping a check on aging and promoting longevity. Because it contains high levels of oligomeric proanthocyanidins, one of the most powerful antioxidants, green tea is thought to help slow down the premature aging process.

Helps to improve immunity
Polyphenols and flavonoids present in green tea boost the immune system to make the human body stronger in fighting various infections. Vitamin C present in green tea helps keep away colds and flu.

Helps fight cancer
Green tea also keeps cancer from being triggered by specific carcinogens. It induces spontaneous death to cancerous cells by destroying its. Studies reveal that green tea has played a part in averting cancers of the bladder, rectum, lung, esophagus, stomach, colon, pancreas, liver and prostate.

Health Benefits of Green Tea
How much green tea to consume
Green tea certainly has more natural ingredients than other teas available in the market – however, do not go overboard in terms of how much you consume. Stick to a standard and firm schedule. We Indians have a habit of consuming at least 2- 3 cups per day. Let’s not exceed this level as it may turn toxic.
If you are not a tea lover or don’t like the taste of tea, GNC brings to you the Green tea Complex with more antioxidant power which will help you to keep your weight and health in place!! It is in the form of a capsule and won’t even lead to any kind of side effects!!
So Yes!!…. It’s time to turn that red signal into a green one and GET SET GO!!!