Whey protein is often described as “the ideal protein for recovery”, “the ideal protein for muscle growth”, or “the most ideal protein for athletes”. But what exactly is whey protein? When you open a yogurt container and wonder what the liquid is on top, that’s whey. We can find in whey a wide range of proteins that are categorized as whey protein. Generally, whey protein is derived from milk. About 80% of cow milk contains casein, while only 20% contains whey.
In order to learn more about whey protein,
In this article, we will explore fewer known facts on whey protein that you might not know
Helps Lower Blood Pressure Levels
High blood pressure is one of the leading causes of heart disease. Lactokinins, which are found in whey protein, are ACE-inhibitors that have been studied for their positive effects on reducing blood pressure. These effects were only seen in individuals with high blood pressure. Hence, reducing the risk of heart attacks and disease.
Aids in improving the immune system
Whey protein is an important component in building immunity and giving the body strength to combat infections. Proteins such as whey contribute to the production of glutathione, a key component of our cells’ defense system. Whey proteins are soluble dairy proteins composed of several components such as alpha-lactalbumin, beta-lactoglobulin, lactoferrin, immunoglobulins, and others. All of which play a crucial role in enhancing immunity.
Aids in lowering cholesterol
A study found that overweight women and men who consumed whey protein supplements had significantly lower total and LDL cholesterol than those who consumed casein. Having whey protein with regular exercise helps to increase muscle mass and toned body, while also reducing fat content. But what about cholesterol?
There are studies that suggest that whey protein may help to lower high cholesterol levels, especially LDL cholesterol(Bad Cholesterol). Since high cholesterol is directly proportional to higher strokes and heart related conditions, lower cholesterol results in numerous health benefits.
Manages Hunger and Cravings
Although a lot of fitness enthusiasts practice it, it is not ideal to starve for muscle building. Studies have shown that taking whey protein isolate supplements reduce our hunger pangs significantly. Basically, the body feels such cravings only when there is lack of protein and our impulse drives us towards a sugar snack. This should be avoided at all costs and instead we can take whey protein shakes or bars as it will curb the hunger and provide satiety.
But it is only possible clubbed with healthy exercise and a balanced diet. And do not overdo on whey protein just to lose weight.
Thus, whey protein is not just for the body athletes but Whey Protein is for Everyone, Every Need. Adding Whey Protein Isolate Supplements to your diet will help you in many more ways than just meet your protein requirement. One scoop a day is all it takes. Did you pick yours yet?
It’s mainly caused by eating fatty food, not exercising enough, being overweight, smoking and drinking alcohol. It can also run in families. You can lower your cholesterol by eating healthily and getting more exercise. Some people also need to take medicine.