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Astaxanthin: The Powerful Antioxidant - GNC India
Healthy Lifestyle

Astaxanthin: The Powerful Antioxidant

Astaxanthin is a natural carotenoid (a class of antioxidants) that is a very colorful red-orange pigment.  It is considered to be the most powerful antioxidant as compared to beta carotene and lyc...

Healthy LifestylePrebiotics and Probiotics. What is the Difference? - GNC India

Prebiotics and Probiotics. What is the Difference?

It’s been more than a century now, that Probiotics and Prebiotics were discovered by the scientist. Many studies have clearly stated that probiotic bacteria can contribute to human health. Yet, ma...

Healthy Lifestyle#StopTheSearch – 6 Important Multivitamin Supplements To Boost Your Immunity - GNC India

#StopTheSearch – 6 Important Multivitamin Supplements To Boost Your Immunity

Throughout this pandemic, immunity building has been a key concern for everyone. And you can now #StopTheSearch for immunity based solutions. We are here to simplify things and help you zero in on...

Healthy LifestyleNutritional Needs for Teenagers - GNC India

Nutritional Needs for Teenagers

Teenagers are in that cusp age when their body is transforming and they need maximum nutrition. Parents always want the best for their children. Read on to find out how you can fulfill the nutriti...

Healthy LifestyleVirat Kohli Fitness Routine and Diet Plan for World Cup 2019 - GNC India

Virat Kohli Fitness Routine and Diet Plan for World Cup 2019

Indiaaa…Indiaaa…Kohliii…Kohliii.. These magical words come with a lot of hard work and responsibility!! Don’t you think so? Well, Virat definitely does! ...

Healthy LifestyleBest protein powders for weight - GNC India

Best protein powders for weight

Protein powder is one of the most popular fitness supplements. Many fitness enthusiasts and athletes consume whey protein to strengthen their muscles, improve exercise performance, and...

Healthy LifestyleBest Supplements to Improve Memory - GNC India

Best Supplements to Improve Memory

In today’s fast-paced world where stress, sleeplessness, and regular alcohol consumption are a part of every other person’s lifestyle, memory loss has become quite a common problem. In fact, as pe...

Healthy LifestyleEssential Amino Acids: Definition and Benefits - GNC India

Essential Amino Acids: Definition and Benefits

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Some amino acids are made in the body and some are obtained from food sources. The human body has 20 different amino acids. 9 are essential amino ac...

Healthy Lifestyle5 Mistakes To Avoid While Working Out During Summers - GNC India

5 Mistakes To Avoid While Working Out During Summers

As the summer heat approaches, the energy levels might drop a little due to change in weather, but the enthusiasm for a summer body and working out does not. In the ardour for a summer fit body, p...

Healthy LifestyleTired of Being Tired All the Time? 5 Supplements to Beat It - GNC India

Tired of Being Tired All the Time? 5 Supplements to Beat It

Tired of Being Tired All the Time? 5 Supplements to Beat It Are you always tired? Does it take a lot of struggle for you to get out of bed despite a good night’s sleep? Do you feel constantly worn...

Healthy LifestyleEverything you need to know about Omega-3 fatty acids - GNC India

Everything you need to know about Omega-3 fatty acids

The fat intake of Indians is skewed due to many factors like different cuisines followed, likings, fast foods etc. The recommended dietary allowances for fat and fatty acids are set to help preven...

Healthy LifestyleUnravel the hero behind the Garcinia Cambogia benefits!! - GNC India

Unravel the hero behind the Garcinia Cambogia benefits!!

A popular weight loss ingredient and supplement among all age groups! Garcinia Cambogia, the tiny fruit which is also known as Malabar tamarind or Garcinia gummi-gutta is studied extensively for i...

Healthy LifestyleBenefits of Calcium Supplements - GNC India

Benefits of Calcium Supplements

Did you know: 99% of total body calcium is found in the bones and teeth. It’s not just restricted to women, but calcium is important to even men and required right from your birth. What is Calcium...